Document 0456 DOCN M9480456 TI The high-resolution crystal structure of a parallel-stranded guanine tetraplex. DT 9410 AU Laughlan G; Murchie AI; Norman DG; Moore MH; Moody PC; Lilley DM; Luisi B; Medical Research Council Virology Unit, University of Glasgow,; UK. SO Science. 1994 Jul 22;265(5171):520-4. Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE MED/94310435 AB Repeat tracts of guanine bases found in DNA and RNA can form tetraplex structures in the presence of a variety of monovalent cations. Evidence suggests that guanine tetraplexes assume important functions within chromosomal telomeres, immunoglobulin switch regions, and the human immunodeficiency virus genome. The structure of a parallel-stranded tetraplex formed by the hexanucleotide d(TG4T) and stabilized by sodium cations was determined by x-ray crystallography to 1.2 angstroms resolution. Sharply resolved sodium cations were found between and within planes of hydrogen-bonded guanine quartets, and an ordered groove hydration was observed. Distinct intra- and intermolecular stacking arrangements were adopted by the guanine quartets. Thymine bases were exclusively involved in making extensive lattice contacts. DE Computer Graphics Crystallization Crystallography, X-Ray Guanine/*CHEMISTRY Hydrogen Bonding Molecular Structure *Nucleic Acid Conformation Oligodeoxyribonucleotides/*CHEMISTRY Sodium Support, Non-U.S. Gov't JOURNAL ARTICLE SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).